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Recent News:

The Weekend of the 9 & 10th June is your opportunity to ride on some older buses doing the City Loop tour. Experience riding on buses previously run by BCC from the 40's 60's and 80's For more details see

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Bus Fleet List

Displaying results of: Mercedes Benz LO.814 midi [Vario]

Bus Chassis [Body] Depot Rego # VIN Body # Delivered Withdrawn Photo
491 Mercedes Benz LO.814 midi [Vario]Withdrawn491CWQWDB6703132N0293618200609/05/1995Jun 2002
492 Mercedes Benz LO.814 midi [Vario]Withdrawn724GSWWDB6703132N0299858200709/05/1995Jun 2013
Total of Mercedes Benz LO.814 midi [Vario] found: 2

Helpful Hint:

  • By clicking on the bus no, you can view more specific details about that bus
  • By clicking on the chassis [body] of the bus, you can view the specifications on that make of bus
  • By clicking on the depot name, you can view the fleet list of buses allocated to that depot
  • To report a change, click on the little circle beside the bus number of that particular bus you wish to report a change!
  • If a picture of that bus is available, click on the symbol beside the bus details to view the full size image